The day an album gets leaked to the Internet is an important milestone in the album release process. Some bands do nothing, while others decide to immediately release the music for free on their official websites. Either way, word on the Internet gets around quickly, and boosts the hype surrounding an album a few notches.
One source is, which provides updated information on album leaks since 2007, and started a Twitter account last year. The list isn’t all inclusive, and focuses mostly on the major pre-released music. However, the site crowd-sources its information; anyone can send a submit information to @diditleak on Twitter. Check out the past week’s entries: Read more...
Diditleak: Album Leaks Updated on Twitter in Real Time
How Amanda Palmer Made $19,000 Using Twitter
Amanda Palmer, lead singer and pianist of the Dresden Dolls and solo artist, writes in a blog post about how she made $19,000 using some creative strategies on Twitter. She performed a “Donation-Only Gig”, did a Webcast Auction, and started the trending topic on Twitter, “Losers Of Friday Night On Their Computers”, on May 15th. From Amanda’s post:
“I twittered a guest-list only event in a recording studio in Boston, to take place a week later. The gig lasted about 5 hours, all told, with soundcheck and signing. I took mostly requests and we had a grand old time. First come, first served. The first 200 people to ask got in, for free. I asked for donations and made about $2200 in cash. I gave $400 back to the studio for the space and the help. We sold some weird merch. I think we should call it an even 2k.”
Here’s how she made the other $17,000: