NARM 2009 State Of The Industry: Michael Masnick from NARM on Vimeo.
An interesting presentation on marketing music in the digital age.25.6.09
Twitter Is Helping the Music Industry
Twitter users are more likely to buy music online than non-users. An NPD report says that 33 percent of Twitter users bought a CD in the last three months, compared to 23 percent of all Internet users, and 34 percent of Twitterers purchased a digital download, which is considerably more than the 16 percent of overall Web users who bought music online.
Can Twitter change the downward spiral of music sales? The four major labels, EMI Music, Warner Music, Sony BMG and Universal Music, all have Twitter accounts, no doubt to take advantage of easy distribution on the platform. However, bands and artists have also been able to keep their trusting followers more up-to-date on their latest releases through Twitter, and spread new music more efficiently. Continue reading...
Filesharing Mom Sued for $2 Million by the RIAA
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) successfully sued Jamie Thomas for sharing twenty-four mp3s on p2p network Kazaa. The jury awarded the major labels represented by the RIAA $80,000 per song, totaling 1.92 million dollars.
Thomas is going to continue the fight, and said that this case is “one for the RIAA, not the end of the war.” She also commented on the damages: “Good luck trying to get it from me… it’s like squeezing blood from a turnip.” Continue reading...
KROQ Introduces Pavement at a Concert in 1999: Best Presenter Ever?
The above is a video of a KROQ-radio representative announcing the indie band Pavement at the El Rey Theater in Los Angeles, in 1999. It seems like “these messages brought to you by Kay-rock” wasn’t producing a positive response to the concert attendees but, in the end, the spokesman conquered the masses.
The lesson to be learned here is more about marketing than anything else. The guy basically talked down to the audience for the whole time he was onstage, however resourceful it may have been. I particularly liked the phrase “KROQ rides again into the sunset… with your hard earned cash.” Continue reading...