
KROQ Introduces Pavement at a Concert in 1999: Best Presenter Ever?

The above is a video of a KROQ-radio representative announcing the indie band Pavement at the El Rey Theater in Los Angeles, in 1999. It seems like “these messages brought to you by Kay-rock” wasn’t producing a positive response to the concert attendees but, in the end, the spokesman conquered the masses.

The lesson to be learned here is more about marketing than anything else. The guy basically talked down to the audience for the whole time he was onstage, however resourceful it may have been. I particularly liked the phrase “KROQ rides again into the sunset… with your hard earned cash.” Continue reading...

1 comment:

John said...

That wasn't a kroq rep. It was someone from the pavement camp mocking kroq. Read the comments. They explain it a little better.
